11 months
Wednesday, December 27, 2006This week was a week of celebrations! Adeline turned 11 months old on the 26th! Only one more month 'til the big day. It's hard to believe that one year ago we were preparing Adeline's nursery, purchasing clothes and diapers and for some of us, hoping that we would be able to fit in our maternity clothes for one more month :) Adeline is becoming more and more "talkative" and really trying to mimic things we say. She is cruising around on the furniture and is pretty cautious when she does (she definitely gets that from her mommy!). She isn't walking on her own yet, but loves holding our hands and walking all around the house. We have started walking with her holding only one hand. She tries hard to grab our other hand, but when she realizes that we won't give it to her, she really gets tickled when she can tell that she is walking almost by herself. She still loves books and is eating more and more table food. Her naps aren't as long during the day, but she is still sleeping 13 or 14 hours every night (straight) so that is a huge blessing. She is a little girl who needs her sleep!