Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Family Night - USMC

Monday, November 10, 2008
    I really don't stalk too many blogs of people I don't know, but there is one that I read periodically b/c I enjoy reading about her family nights. Weekly, she comes up with an idea and the entire evening revolves around this theme - anything from Cowboy Night to Turtle Night. Another friend has started doing family nights as well - they are always so fun to read about. Anyway, I have thought about starting this tradition in our home for a while, but figured that Adeline was a little too young to appreciate it. Well, I decided that I would make an attempt and see how things would turn out. It definitely wasn't perfect, but we made memories :)

    Today, November 10th, is the United States Marine Corps birthday. Most of you know that Jeff was in the Marine Reserves for 6 years and back in the day, before we were married, we went to the Marine Corps Ball (the celebration of the Corps Birthday). So, I thought that Jeff would appreciate a Marine Corps Ball themed evening. Adeline and I got up in the morning and went to the party store to get a few balloons and a blow up sword. I explained to her that it was a surprise for Baba, but as soon as we got home, Adeline said "Baba, we went to the party store and got balloons for tonight!" Anyway, the day went okay, except I completely ran out of time getting everything ready before Jeff got home from work (no excuses, but the yard man did come today and I spent a good part of the afternoon outside with him - didn't plan on that one). So, I didn't even have time to put make-up on or dry my hair (not very ball-like), but I don't think Jeff even noticed. He knew we were having some sort of party, but he was pretty surprised when Adeline went and knocked on our bedroom door and he opened to her saying "Baba, would you like to be my date to the Marine Corps Ball?" I tried to get her to call him Sergeant Smith, but she kept saying "Sergeant Jeff" instead - too cute. Overall, the evening was a semi-success, but I'm still debating on whether Family Nights will continue or if we should postpone a few months. We'll see how much Adeline talks about it tomorrow - that will tell me whether she really enjoyed it or not.

    Walking under the sword (usually crossed swords).

    Lylah, completely content to hang out while we ate dinner.

    Dancing at the Ball with Baba.

    Mama and Lylah doin a little dancing, too.

    The spread. I even busted out the wedding china (which had NEVER been opened). It was a simple meal, but one of Jeff's faves. Also, a VERY simple cake sporting the words Semper Fi. We made little "plaques" with the three Corps values: Honor, Commitment and Courage.

    Sergeant Smith standing at attention during the playing of the Marine Corps Hymn. He cracks us up, but we love our Marine (once a Marine, always a Marine - don't you know?)!!

    4 months old

    Saturday, November 08, 2008
      Our sweet baby Lylah is 4 months old! I remember time flying with Adeline, but it feels like we were just going to the hospital to have Lylah last week! The fact that she is so "healthy" and growing so fast makes it even harder for me - the girl goes through clothes in about 2 weeks! It always makes me a little sad when I have to put away the newborn, 3 month and even 6 month clothes b/c she has outgrown them. She is still 95% in weight (16 lbs) . She is the happiest baby and cracks up at us all the time. Did I mention how sweet she is?

      Sweet girl, always smiling! I love going into her room after her naps or in the morning when she wakes up, she is always so happy to see me!

      Aunt Jill came and visited from Michigan and got a little snuggle time.

      Lylah is all of the sudden loving the paci! Maybe she is worried about someone coming in and swiping it from her while she's sleeping.

      I love watching her using her hands more and more. She is always grabbing something or chewing on them!

      Halloween Week

      Saturday, November 01, 2008
        We had a great week of fall activities. Lots of costumes, candy and fun! Unfortunately, the weather is still ridiculously hot (in the 90's during the day), so it doesn't feel like fall at all. So is life in Phoenix.

        Boo at the Zoo! Adeline dressed up in her Minnie Mouse costume from last year.

        It's hard to see in this picture, but they gave the animals pumpkins throughout the day as a treat. The tortoises enjoyed it, as well as the lettuce.

        We thought it was funny that Adeline wanted to keep her gloves on the entire day. And, it was HOT outside - at least 95!

        We went to a pumpkin patch and enjoyed a hay ride, picking out a pumpkin, a picnic and a bounce house.

        We made pumpkin and cat shaped pancakes for breakfast a few times this week.

        Adeline decorated her pumpkin (and Lylah) with foam stickers - it really turned out cute.

        Didn't Jeff do a great job carving the pumpkin? He even won the pumpkin carving contest at the block party we went to on Halloween night. Adeline was a little bit scared of it, she stayed at least three feet away from it at all times.

        Mama and her sweet "little pumpkin".

        This is how we spent most of the evening. We went trick-or-treating with some friends and Adeline walked so slow that by the time she got to the door, the rest of the kids were about two houses away. I think we only went to about 10 houses and then she was done.

        Nun giving out candy.

        Here's a picture of the front of Adeline in her chicken costume.

        Saturday, we went to a fall festival at a local church. Adeline is showing off her kitty cat. Isaac has one too!

        We didn't leave Lylah out, she got a little "foot-painting". So cute!