The new thing around our house is working on sentences! I know, Adeline is a little young to be getting grammar lessons, but she asks for them! She is really determined to make sentences, and not just a few words grouped together, but a correct sentence, like Mama and Baba "does". Needless to say, she is a talker. You probably wouldn't think so if you met her for the first time, or haven't been around her much at home, but she really is! So, tonight she was getting out of the bathtub and following the timeless quote "don't tee-tee on the floor" (we're in potty training mode) Adeline was wrapped up in her towel giving me a big hug (which is customary following the bath, she wants to stay warm) and she just comes right out and says "Addy loves mama." My heart is melting even as I type this. She's said "I love you" a thousand times before, but usually it's in response to us saying it or asking her to say it. This time was different, this time it was straight from her little heart. I'm often impressed with things she picks up on or new words she uses, but it really doesn't get any better than those three words... Addy loves mama.